Monday, January 13, 2014

ISSN 1857-4149

Speech and Context International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science (SCIJLSLS) is an open access, peer reviewed (double blind reviewed) journal which is indexed in many prestigious international databases, directories, lists etc. (see Journal Indexing and Registration by databases types or Journal Indexing and Registration by countries). It appears there like Limbaj şi context or Speech and Context International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science. The journal is founded in 2009 by Angela COŞCIUG, Associate Professor, Ph.D., at Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova. From 2010, the journal is published in cooperation with the administration of Basel (Switzerland). From January 2009 till May 2013 the journal published materials in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Romania, Russian and Ukrainian. From May 2013 it publishes materials only in English.

Journal Materials Citation: 
1. Elena Ungureanu, Argument editorial pentru hypertext ca obiect de cercetare lingvistică / An Editorial Argument for the Hypertext as a Subject of Linguistic Study //Limbaj şi context, 1(IV)2012.
2. Boghian, Ioana, Houses in Victorian Novels. A Semiotic Approach // Speech and Context, 2010, pp. 31-38. This article is citated in Boghian, Ioana, The Ekphrasis of the Victorian House //Cultural Perspectives - Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania (15/2010), P. 7-37. 

Journal Topics: Overview of signs, speech and communication: overview of sign, overview of speech, speech aspects, overview of communication and speech act, sense and signification in communication, intention in communication, speech intelligibility; types of sign, speech and interactional mechanisms in communication (types of sign: icon, index, symbol; types of speech and interactional mechanisms in communication: speech act in everyday communication, mimic and gestures in communication, language for specific purposes, sense and signification in media communication, audio-visual language/pictorial language, language of music/language of dance, business/ technical language, speech in institutional area, verbal language in cultural context, languages and communication within the European community; (literary) language and social conditioning: ideology and language identity, language influences, morals and literary speech, collective mentality and literary image, (auto)biographic writings, between individual and social, voices, texts, reprezentation); language, context, translation: role of context in translation, types of translation.  

Evaluation Criteria:  Submitted article should correspond to the journal topics. Paper should be presented in an explicit way in accordance with the topic of research. Research methodology should be modern. Paper should be based on adequate research strategies. Contribution should be based on relevant references. Submitted paper should contribute to the advancement of the research field.  

Submission of papers: Speech and Context Journal is published in two issues. Calendar: Papers for volume 1 should be sent by email to the Editors at the following address:, from January 1 till April 1. The journal Experts-reviewers consider anonymously the papers from April 2 till May 15 and the authors are informed by email about their decision. Proofs will be sent to the author for correction, and should be returned to the Editors by May 30. Note that all the materials proposed for publication in the journal will be accompanied by declarations signed by the authors to certify they are not plagiarized. This fact will be checked up by the materials reviewers and national and international scientific community. Volume 1 is published in June. Papers for volume 2 should be sent by email to the Editors at the following address:, from July 1 till October 1. The journal Experts-reviewers consider anonymously the papers from October 2 till November 15 and the authors are informed by email about their decision. Proofs will be sent to the author for correction, and should be returned to the Editors by November 30. Volume 2 is published in December. Details: Do not attach your paper to a message without a personalized letter to the Editor. Please write on the subject line: Paper for Speech and Context. The personalized letter should include: full name, professional title, institutional affiliation, research topic. Authors should supply an autobiography of 50-100 words in English. Submitted papers are sent for external review and are reviewed according to unified criteria (see Evaluation Criteria). Papers accepted for publication must respect the Notes for contributors required by the journal. Speech and Context can be made available both in print (50 copies for each issue) and online. All the expenses connected with the publication of papers are covered by Alecu Russo State University of Balti. Charges connected with the delivery of the volumes are covered by the authors. 

Notes for Contributors: Papers are edited in Windows, format: B 5, font: Book Antigua, 11, single, justify. The paper should not exceed 10 pages (including footnotes and references). The first page contains: short title of the paper (Book Antigua, 11, bold, Center, printed) in the original language and in English, as follows: TEXTE ET DISCOURS DANS LES RECHERCHES LINGUISTIQUES CONTEMPORAINES/TEXT AND DISCOURSE IN MODERN LINGUISTIC STUDIES; author’s full name (Book Antigua, 11, bold, Center); author’s professional title (below the first and last names) Book Antigua, 11, Center; institutional affiliation (Book Antigua, 11, Center); abstract of the paper in English (Book Antigua, 10, Italic). Quotations should be displayed in the text with quotation marks. Footnotes should read: Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1977, p. 23. Examples in the text should be written: 6 pt, Book Antigua, 10. References are listed alphabetically after the text, as follows: Books: KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, C. La connotation. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1977. Articles: KLEIBER, G. Contexte, interprétation et mémoire: approche standard vs approche cognitive//Langue française. Nr. 103. Paris: Larousse, 1994. Pages are not numbered. 

Joint Projects with Concordia Discors & Discordia Concors Journal (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania) and Communication Interculturelle et Littérature Journal (Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania). 

Journals Volumes Exchange between Speech and Context Journal and Concordia Discors & Discordia Concors Journal (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania) and Communication Interculturelle et Littérature Journal (Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania). 
Editorial Board Members:
Editor-in-chief: Angela COŞCIUG, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova).
Scientific Board: Adriana-Gertruda ROMEDEA, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Bacău, Romania); Alexandr OGUY, Professor, Ph.D. (Yuri Fedkovich National University, Ukraine); Ana BONDARENCO, Professor, Ph.D. (Moldova State University); Bernard Mulo FARENKIA, Professor, Ph.D. (Cape Breton University, Canada); Catherine KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, Professor Emerita, Ph.D. (Lumière University of Lyon, France); Daniel LEBAUD, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Franche-Comté, France); Dominique MAINGUENEAU, Professor, Ph.D. (Paris 12 Val-de-Marne University); Gina MĂCIUCA, Professor, Ph.D. (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania); Gheorghe GOGIN, Professor, Ph.D. (Academy of Sciences of Republic of Moldova); Ion DUMBRĂVEANU, Professor, Ph.D. (Moldova State University); Yuri MOSENKIS, Professor, Ph.D., Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Taras Sevcenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine); Laura BĂDESCU, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Piteşti, Romania); Lelia TROCAN, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Craiova, Romania); Luminiţa HOARŢĂ-CĂRĂUŞU, Professor, Ph.D. (Alexandu Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania); Natalia HALINA, Professor, Ph.D. (Altai State University, Russia); Nicanor BABĂRĂ, Professor, Ph.D. (Moldova State University); Nicolae IOANA, Professor, Ph.D. (Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania); Norbert BACHLEITNER, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Vienna, Austria); Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU, Professor, Ph.D. (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania); Simona ANTOFI, Professor, Ph.D. (Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania); Sophie MOIRAND, Professor, Ph.D. (Paris 3 New Sorbonne University, France); Thomas WILHELMI, Professor, Ph.D. (University of Heidelberg, Germany); Ala SAINENCO, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Diana VRABIE, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Estelle VARIOT, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (University of Provence, France); Gina MĂCIUCA, Professor, Ph.D. (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania); Grigore CANTEMIR, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Elena SIROTA, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Georgeta CÎŞLARU, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (New Sorbonne University, France); Irina KOBIAKOVA, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Linguistic State University of Piatigorsk, Rusia); Iulia IGNATIUC, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Lace Marie BROGDEN, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Universitaty of Regina, Canada); Ludmila BRANIŞTE, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alexandu Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania); Mioara DRAGOMIR, Senior Scientific Researcher, Ph.D. (A. Philippide Institut of Romanian Philology, Iaşi, Romania); Solomia BUK, Associate Professor, Ph. D. (Ivan Franko National University of Lvov, Ukraine); Valentina ENCIU, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Valentina ŞMATOV, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Valeriu VOROBCENCO, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova); Victor SCHIBA, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova).
Proofreader and translater: Silvia BOGDAN, Lecturer, Ph.D. Student (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova).
Editing Coordinator: Silvia BOGDAN, Lecturer, Ph.D. Student (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova).
Technical Editor: Liliana EVDOCHIMOV, Lecturer (Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova).

© Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Bălţi, Republic of Moldova.


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